(604) 762-6360
Mobile (China)
+86 139-0194-0742

Scott brings his expertise in Chinese and Western business operations to Evans & Evans. Scott was the Vice General and Secretary to the Board for Rockwell Graphic Systems Inc., a Fortune 500 multi-national firm for over six years, to which he applied his knowledge of engineering, production processes and quality control. He was also the original Founder of CMF International Ltd. and currently holds the position of Chairman.

Currently Scott is acting as an industry consultant and private investor helping Western businesses either buy from or sell into China. With Scott’s extensive experience in international business practices, he helps numerous Chinese businesses explore the market in the West and bridges the gaps between businesses all around the world.

Scott obtained his Master’s Degree in Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing from Shanghai Jiaotong University. Scott also holds a Master of Business Administration degree from Birmingham Business School in United Kingdom.